Visa-German courses in Berlin, Germany
EU citizens do not need a visa for a German language course at PSP Sprachpunkt during their stay in Germany. We ask citizens from non-EU countries to enquire about the formalities required for obtaining a visa for a German language course at PSP Sprachpunkt. Additional information may be obtained at the website of their country's office of foreign affairs.
How do I go about getting a language course visa?
If you need a language course visa: Contact the German embassy in your country to find out the necessary formalities. Register for a German language course at PSP Sprachpunkt. A 20-period (45 minutes per course period) intensive German course is necessary. Pay the tuition fee for an intensive German course either in cash at our PSP Sprachpunkt office or per bank transfer or Paypal. With the receipt of your registration we will send you our banking details. Registration may also be done online.
How to register for a German course at PSP Sprachpunkt
Registration may be done online by filling out and sending back the registration. If you have additional questions please contact us by e-mail.
How long does the confirmation of the registration of a German course at PSP Sprachpunkt take?
We will send you the registration confirmation within 1 to 3 days after receipt of the tuition payment. This confirmation must be included along with the other documents to be submitted to the German embassy.
How long must I wait for the confirmation of registration of a German course at PSP Sprachpunkt?
If you would like to receive the confirmation within 1 to 3 workdays, we can have the confirmation sent to you by DHL express at your expense. If you decide for this option, please have the express postage fee along with the tuition fees transferred to our account.
What other documents are required by the German embassy for the application of a language course visa?
Besides the registration confirmation, a proof of health insurance, a proof of accommodation for the length of stay in German and a proof of adequate means of support for the planned stay for the purpose of attending a German language course at PSP Sprachpunkt are required by the German embassy.
Am I guaranteed a language course visa?
PSP Sprachpunkt does not guarantee issuance of a visa.
What happens if there is a delay in the visa and the language course that I registered for has begun?
If you are still awaiting your visa and the German course you have registered for has already started, a change to a later course is not possible (e.g. in the following month). A tuition refund is not possible if you decide to withdraw later than 7 days after the start of the course.
Will I be refunded for the tuition if I do not get the language visa or if I decide to drop out of the German course?
Yes. If you decide to withdraw more than 7 days before the start of the course, PSP Sprachpunkt will refund the tuition minus a €150 processing fee.
No. If you decide to withdraw less than 7 days before the start of the course, PSP Sprachpunkt will not refund the tuition.
How can I withdraw from a course at PSP Sprachpunkt?
A withdrawal from a German course at PSP Sprachpunkt must be done in writing, though it must be done within 7 days after the start of the course via post or e-mail.
What happens if I do not get a language visa?
A tuition refund minus €150 processing fee is only possible if a withdrawal from the course at PSP Sprachpunkt is received in writing more than 7 days before the start of the language course. Moreover we need written proof from the German embassy that a language visa has been refused.
- Category: Visa
- Hits: 7122