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Learn German in Berlin


how it would be, to speak German fluently with your friends, to make formalities at the department by yourself, to call your boss personally, to visit an exhibition and to meet new and fantastic people, to go to lectures and to understand everything, absolutely everything.

Wouldn't that be great?

Have you already recognized, that all your wishes could be fullfilled just by one „click“. In our German language school, you will reach all your aims, meaning, soon you will be able to speak, understand and write in German satisfactory.

That, you can be sure of, because you and many other students from all over the world, will learn German with very competent and involved German teachers, who will prepare you just for your needs in future life in Germany.

The more you practise and learn the German language, the more you will see, how easy it is. You will start to love our German courses, because it will give you really everything you need. Our daily experiences with the students prof it!

You will be proud of all the different and effective ways of learning German and the rules of the German grammar with our teachers, in an easy and comprehensible way, in small international groups.

You will surely ask yourself, what else can PSP Sprachpunkt offer me?

Well, the answer ist: A lot more! With only one „click“, you will be part of a fantastic group and you will contribute just by your presence, to an unique atmosphere in your German course. And in a short time, you will receive much more than your impoved language skills – friends.

All what you need to do now is, enjoy your life in Berlin and feel your independence with your new German language skills, which are guaranteed by PSP Sprachpunkt and the international meetings with live music.

So why don't you fill in the registration for our German course form right now?

As far as you know, our commitment and very active participation, will lead to your success. Imagine, how much it will help you, to speak German fluently – how the world will be open for you!

And now, just click here, to get to the registration. See you in the next lesson!

Have a nice day!

Start Dates

New German courses in Berlin Kreuzberg

13-12-2019 Hits:37652 German courses in Berlin Kreuzberg Super User - avatar Super User

  Deutsch-Prüfungen online und vor Ort: 20.11.2024 04.12.2024 18.12.2024 08.01.2025 22.01.2025 05.02.2025 19.02.2025 05.03.2025 19.03.2025 02.04.2025 16.04.2025 30.04.2025 Order Now!      

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Deutschprüfungen in Berlin

13-12-2019 Hits:26724 Start Dates - German Intensive Courses in Berlin Super User - avatar Super User

  Deutschprüfungen in Berlin   A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 - Prüfungen   Termine   Termin Uhrzeit Anmeldung bis Preis/ Kursteilnehmer Preis/externe Teilnehmer Jetzt buchen! 20.11.2024 12.00 Uhr   105,00 € 150,00 € Jetzt buchen! 04.12.2024 15.00 Uhr   105,00 € 150,00 € Jetzt buchen! 18.12.2024 12.00 Uhr   105,00 € 150,00 € Jetzt buchen! 08.01.2025 15.00 Uhr   105,00 € 150,00 € Jetzt buchen! 22.01.2025 12.00...

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Start Dates - German Evening Courses in …

13-12-2019 Hits:15121 Start Dates - German Evening Courses in Berlin Super User - avatar Super User

German Evening Courses in Berlin Start Dates 2020 German Intensive Courses German Evening Courses Deutschprüfungen in Berlin   How often does an evening German course take place? The evening German course...

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Start Dates - German Intensive Courses i…

13-12-2019 Hits:14669 Start Dates - German Intensive Courses in Berlin Super User - avatar Super User

German Intensive Courses in Berlin Start Dates 2020 German Intensive Courses German Evening Courses Deutschprüfungen in Berlin   How often does the intensive German as a foreign language course take place? The...

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